A Site About Music, Fishing, & Skyrim

July 4th, Sequoia Backpacking Trip

Independence Day; traditionally a day filled with BBQ, fireworks, freedom, and maybe the movie with Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum. I decided to celebrate the 238th birthday of The States by going on a sweet adventure with my two siblings and our counterparts to the wondrous Sequoia National Park.

I had been longing for a weekend of nature, solitude, and fishing for quite a while, so the weekend of this glorious holiday was the perfect opportunity. We picked a fairly mellow hike out to the cluster of Mosquito Lakes which is an extension of the Mineral King area.

The rangers at the Mineral King station made sure to give us the run-down on the marmot bandits that seek the party life; they go after hikers’ vehicles and chew through electrical wires, brake cables, and radiator hoses in order to drink the mouth-watering fluid; it gets them all fucked up until they eventually rage/die. They also made sure to provide us with a bear sighting form, which we were to fill out in case of, well… seeing a bear.

“please fill out what the bear looked like, color, and size, etc.”

Okay, soooooo it looked like a bear. It was brown. Not sure what its hobbies were or how many Facebook friends it had, but yeah. It wanted my honey. I never saw a bear, unfortunately.

The hike in really tested our cardio as we began the 2k ft+ climb in elevation. I was so excited to get to the lakes and fish, I probably would’ve had multiple heart attacks and they wouldn’t have even mattered.

We took our time though, and after four miles, we arrived at the first mosquito lake; it lived up to its name, providing plenty of annoying, blood-sucking little winged vampires that became the one thing on the trip that I could have done without. Plenty of fish in the water, but our target was off the map, a half mile scramble up to the second lake where we were to camp.

Honestly, I felt pretty dang good on this last push to the second lake, but it was a SCRAMBLE! A scramble I tell you. Scaling granite, climbing over and under trees, and dodging mosquitoes all with a 40 pound back pack.

Love it. I love it.

With plenty of places to camp around the lake, clear blue water, and amazing views, I was stoked. My stoke levels were, sternum breaking. The solitude that I find in the outdoors is incomparable to anything else. Away from work. Away from traffic. Away from a bunch of assholes who are going to drink too much and bring out the curmudgeon in me. Away from little shit kids who aren’t mine. I was ready to enjoy the holiday weekend to the fullest.

It was great being able to share this trip with my sibs and our partners, and I captured much of the highlights in pictures and video.

The fishing ended up being a success, and I can’t wait to plan out another adventure to the southern Sierras. Until then, I’m gonna throw tea into a harbor, and watch Independence Day. Freedom.


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